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What Feminism & Equality Mean

I have always found it both perplexing and amusing that the people who have the most to say about feminism, misogyny, sexual harassment and gender discrimination are people who have NEVER experienced it – often men! And they tell you

Why We Need Quotas For Men!

Yes, that is correct – we need quotas for men! I am weary of hearing the same questions on this topic for more than a decade. “Should we have targets, or quotas?” “Won’t quotas result in reverse discrimination against men?”

Kindness, A Tool For Social Change

I have returned from a month of rest, relaxation and reflection. Much of my reflection was about how we as human beings and leaders can be better, connect in more meaningful ways, enable ourselves and others to be the best

Rest Reflect Reset

David and I are about to embark on a long overdue break; my plan for this trip is to Rest Reflect Reset.I learned this practice from my dear friend and colleague, Dr Adam Fraser, who created this as part of

What today’s leaders can learn from the Anzacs

As a nation, we are united as one for the celebration and remembrance of Anzac Day and those who have died for the freedom of this great country in which we live. Australian ideals had been both tested and proved

Announcing the GLAM Alumni Network 2019

Welcome to our new GLAM Alumni Network. More than 500 women over 8 years have attended GLAM programs in Sydney, Canberra and Darwin. This is your network where you can learn new skills, exchange experiences and knowledge, and embrace networking

Create The Dream Place To Work

I love research that draws our attention to the positive aspects of leadership, people and life, and challenges you to see things differently, rather than to see what’s wrong and why new ways won’t work! In a study done by

Are you listening?

“It is better to remain quiet and be thought of a fool, than to speak up and remove all doubt” Anonymous Most of us don’t actually listen, we simply hear. This means that we comprehend less than 50% of every

2019 & Beyond

Some things to remember with closing a year and starting a new one..... Stop being a “human doing” and become a human being Stop using your technology 24/7 – shut it down, turn it off and BE PRESENT One for

What Matters Most

Many people I know here in Australia and around the world are having a challenging year – ill health, financial difficulties, job insecurity, loss of loved ones and increasing dissatisfaction and disengagement with political leadership around the world. At times

lessons From The Global Women’s Summit May 2018

In its 28thyear, the Global Summit of Women was held in Sydney, Australia, with over 1,000 women attending from more than 65 countries. It was three days of sharing, networking, wisdom and fun. I have had the privilege of attending

What’s The Lesson

Building on my January mantra of:“Find the joy in every day and situation, no matter the circumstances,” my mantra for February has been “What’s the Lesson?” I had decided that following some demanding situations at the end of 2017 that


A New Year
A New Look
New GLAM dates have been released for this year⁠
#womeninleadership #leadershipdevelopment #leadership #futureleaders
At Avril Henry & Associates we are about Creating Transformational Leadership⁠
#leadership #transformational leadership